Love Songs & Other Dangers album Click for 2020 release website Good Morning San Juan album San Juan Chickens album LSAOD Drawing by FrancesTim like thief on cello, Frances waits with violin15 performers plus Bingo the Robot in 2009 GallopAway show at El Teatro CampesinoDaniel Valdez, Melinna Bobadilla, Frances and Tim backstage at El Teatro Campesino, 2009Tim, Frances, devil Paris, and angel Bella-Rose in El Teatro Campesino's Pastorela costumesFrances and Tim perform in mission San Juan Bautista with audience in-the-roundTim plays, sings, at Santa Cruz mall, 1980Frances stands her ground, clutches gothic staff; Tim lost in rainbowFrances and Tim dressed to play a wedding, 1983Frances and Tim at the Cadillac Shack near Clarksdale, Mississippi, 2008Tim and Frances brandish strings on spirited horse, TombstoneDaniel "Zoot Suit" Valdez records "Only the Dream." Photo by Paris Lahman.Babatunde Lea, friend and rhythm virtuoso, tuned-in to a studio playback. Photo by Paris Lahman. Rusty train wheels on rusty rails. Photo by Gabriel Tompkins.Frances on camp stool plays her banjo, Cleo-May, 1988"Frustrated Tim takes it out on his cello," Frances deadpans.Frances, friendly bread baker on Tedoc Mountain honeymoon, 1981 Links to our other sites: the hub at, personal history projects at our own stories at